Apart from what John said in the prologue (John 1:1-18) and what John the Baptist has said about Jesus so far (1:26, 29-34, 36), this is our first actual encounter with Jesus in John's gospel. The IVP commentary available online concerning this passage is helpful.
A few things that struck me after reading the passage and the commentary for which I included the link above:
- John's disciples immediately follow Jesus when John identifies him as the Lamb of God (1:37). I wonder if this speaks to Christian leadership? We should live humble lives that prepare to recognize and follow Jesus. And, in this instance, John's disciples literally follow Jesus, and apparently without saying anything. He actually turns around and asks them what they want (1:38). What would you say if Jesus asked you this question?
- Either at a loss for words or truly desiring to be with him, John's disciples wonder, "Where are you staying?" (1:38)
- Jesus responds: "Come...and you will see." That's interesting, how Jesus chooses to respond, isn't it? There are a lot of ways that he could've responded to their question, but the way that he responded seems like an invitation to relationship.
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